Saturday, March 15, 2008

What a week(end)

Chronicles of the week:

1) Sister was here! Yay! It was a nice prequel for when we'll be roomies in a few months.
2) Our school got evaluated for its School Qualitative Review. I had to go to lots of meetings and appear very impressive. I think it went well.
3) I decided to sing "Agony" from Into the Woods with the other math teacher in our school for our Spring Showcase (which has a Broadway theme)
4) I had my third voice lesson. Fun!
5) We saw The Seafarer. It was good, but strangely denies a review. I've tried.
6) The After Party on Friday was the best ever. Kristy Cates celebrated her birthday, many of our favorite patrons were there, and we didn't leave until the lights were on and they were counting the money. It was about 5:30.
7) I slept until 3:30 on Saturday, then watched two movies. Mmmm. Movies.
8) I completely failed to do any work today but did read two books.
9) There was some OMG DRAMA over at The Guilty Ones, which I was forced to do something about. Ridiculous but endearing. Much like high school students.

It is now 8:25 p.m. My sleep schedule is screwy enough that I'm actually contemplating going to bed right now and waking up at 3 a.m. to do work. Woo.

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